Our Promise
Beyond fast speeds, amazing technology, and great uptime records we realize that we must judge our success on how well we have supported our clients. It's really what matters the most in business today. We promise to be accessible, friendly, and helpful at all times. To answer the phone when you call us between the hours of 9am and 5pm every business day. Reply to your e-mails and tickets within 24 hrs. To provide timely incident update information when something goes wrong - so you're always the first to know.
Multi Channel Support
Your business operates at a fast pace. You need to multitask. When you're on a conference call and need to initiate a support request, our text chat support channel is perfect. Whether you prefer to connect with us via, voice, chat, tickets or e-mail we are able to offer you expert technical support every day.
We're Listening
Accessible, friendly and helpful. That's who we strive to be every day! We value customer feedback. Please give us a report card on how we're doing. We want to know the good, the bad, and everything in-between.